Thursday, February 26, 2009

Goodnight Moon for Moms

I came across this today and found it rather appropriate (and entertaining).

In the messy green
family room
There was a telemarketer ringing the telephone
And a crying toddler
because his brother just popped his
red balloon
And a picture of
The cow jumping over the moon (which someone colored on with permanent marker)
And there was a missing
teddy bear, and a girl with
gum in her hair

And one to be scolded
And laundry to be folded
And a very hungry spouse
And something stinky in the house
(that no one else seemed to smell)

And a comb and a brush and a colicky baby who just won't shush
And a frazzled mommy screaming #*%#@

Goodnight messy room
Goodnight scribbled on moon
Goodnight cow getting out while she can
Goodnight telemarketers and the
popped balloon
Goodnight long gone teddy bear
Goodnight cereal bar smeared all
over the dining room chair

Goodnight spitup
And goodnight leaky sippy cup
Goodnight much too little house
and goodnight grumpy spouse
Goodnight comb and goodnight brush
And goodnight to a certain 4 yearold
who just needs to hush right now
I mean it

Goodnight Elmo
Goodnight toys we'll pick up tomorrow,
or the next day

Hello chardonnay and TiVo
me time finally

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Things I learned in a major ice storm....

NOT the North texas Ice Storm....worst since 1980...blah blah blah....but the REAL ice storm I got see unfold last week when I was in Northwest Arkansas. I'm back in NWA this week, and this place looks like a dead tree wasteland and there will be plenty of clean up work to be done.

I did learn a few fun things I will utilize the next time I find myself surrounded by 3 inches of solid ice:

1. Spiky, heeled shoes (i.e. my boots) work very well as traction on the ice when you stomp and dig the heel into the ice to get traction to walk.

2. Kohl's, Belk, Chili's, Copeland's, and a vast other of stores and restaurants WILL close. Colton's employees will get a hotel room and stay open with a limited staff and help from the customers brave enough to drive there (or walk there).

Chick-Fil-A will stay open and can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

3. Hotel Management CANNOT determine or forecast when the electricity will go out. Several guests (who were displaced from the their un-lit homes) kept calling the front desk asking the Front Desk Mgr to play God and forecast loss of electricity (we never lost it - but 190,000 other people did).

4. Ice scrapers can be used as a chisel....2 inches of ice does not "scrape" off a car. Screwdrivers work nicely too....

5. Wal-Mart Supercenters WILL close.

6. Decatur Schools closing (and therefore daycare) is not a happy time for two working parents, one 500 miles from home in the Ice Age, while the other has an auditor coming to his office come hell or high water. But all will work out just fine :)

7. When ice falls, you become more aware of what you stand under.