Saturday, January 3, 2009


I thought the first real post on this blog would be something along the lines of the great holiday break we've had, or something cute Avery did. Ummm....not exactly. Boys and girls, the great, iconic, post will be about safety in the home.

I finally gathered enough strength (for a lack of a better word) to put my Christmas decorations up today. I never seem to have an issue pulling everything out sometime in November, but the idea of putting all that stuff back up just makes me ill.

So I am organizing all our little treasures back into their storage bins in the walk-in attic storage, and it just so happens those storage bins are right along the edge of where the floor ends and the "don't step off the floor" area begins. I wasn't paying attention and that's when the fun began...

I stepped wrong and slipped, and the next thing I know I have one leg through the "don't step off the floor area", also known as my master bathroom ceiling, one leg still on the "real" floor, and the rest of me somewhere in the middle.

At this point in my little dramatic ordeal, I'm stuck and I can't move. I call for help from the peanut gallery who has already seen my leg, foot, and black flip-flop hanging through the bathroom ceiling. After Chris made it up the stairs in record time to pull me to safety, and we got Avery to stop crying and convinced her I wasn't dead and didn't have a scratch on me....we all had a good laugh...sorta. I'm not happy that after such a traumatic experience I will be expected to PAY to have that ceiling repaired...the nerve of some people.

I have included picture proof for your viewing enjoyment. I am also very proud to say I never lost either one of my black flip-flops through the fall nor the rescue.
Tomorrow is another day,


  1. welcome to the blogging world!! wonderful to have you! :)

  2. Ok, I am so glad you're ok, but that was a hilarious mental picture! Thanks for the laugh!!!
